The Alliance has been working hard planning for the next term. Save these dates!

Alliance Presentation at the International Student Orientation Friday, September 16th 9-11am Chapman 207

Alliance Table at New Graduate Student Orientation Tuesday, September 20th 12-3pm EMU Ball Room

Alliance Leadership Retreat Friday, September 30th 4-8pm EMU Alsea Room**

Come and find out how you can become part of the leadership team and get to know the current leaders.

Grad/Law School 101 Wednesday, October 12th 11am to 1pm Mills International Center**

Mentor undergraduate students of color on their journey to a graduate career.

Alliance Social Friday, November 4, 5-8pm Long House**

Reconnect with your fellow Alliance members and welcome new members to our group. Dinner provided.

Administrator – Graduate Student Dinner Tuesday November 8, 6 -8pm Ford Alumni Center Ballroom**

Come have dinner with the administrators as an Alliance representative.

Alliance Presentation at the Oregon Diversity Institute Thursday, November  3, 2-3:30pm, EMU

Graduate Research Opportunities Event Wednesday, November 16, 12:00 – 1:00pm, Gerlinger Lounge**

** RSVP required to